Posted by: bestraleighwebdesign | October 29, 2012

Raleigh Web Design Companies

If you are a web designer looking for work or you are looking for a company to build a website for your business Raleigh is a hub for web design. Many web design companies are based in Raleigh and the majority of them do some really great work. Below is a brief description of some the most popular Raleigh web design companies.


Fragment is a very accomplished Raleigh web design company. They have done web design work for a wide variety of companies including the NHL and the Raleigh Convention Center. Fragment is big more expensive than some of the other Raleigh web design companies featured here, but Fragment sets itself apart from its competitors by creating unique and original web designs for each of their customers.

Fragment has three separate packages to choose from design, development and marketing. Some web design companies will include this in one package.

Fragment does great work, but people may find them to be too pricy for their taste.

Doug Brown Design

This Raleigh web design company also offers high quality and original web designs. The sleek look of their own website shows you just what they are capable of in terms of design. Doug Brown Design’s past clients include those from the Raleigh area like the city of Raleigh itself as well as major companies like Sony.


Price with this Raleigh web design company may also become an issue as there fees are a bit on the pricey side.

Raleigh Web Design

Raleigh Web Design offers the same quality and original designs as the previous web design companies without the high cost. Raleigh Web Design also sets itself apart from its competition by also focusing in a marketing SEO strategy while designing your site. This will ensure that your new site designed by Raleigh Web Design gets top billing on search engines like Google.
